Supreme Court Update on the 2008 Medical Marijuana Act & Ordinances
Update 2020 on the 2008 Michigan Medical Marijuana Act
Hey, everybody, this is Josh Covert with the Michigan Cannabis Lawyers.
I’m working from home. I need a haircut, I need a shave, but I want to let everybody know about some recent developments regarding the 2008 Medical Marijuana Act.
Just yesterday the supreme court of Michigan released an opinion in DeRuiter vs Township of Byron.
That case holds that municipalities can regulate certain aspects of the 2008 Medical Marijuana Act. In regards to where the marijuana is grown or whether or not permits are needed.
Now, this case dealt with preemption and whether or not the Medical Marijuana Act would supersede these local ordinances.
Now, this court found those regulations regarding to where the marijuana is grown or whether or not you need a permit did not conflict with the 2008 Medical Marijuana Act.
This is new! Other courts had held otherwise.
But since this is a Michigan Supreme Court Case, it will take precedent in lower courts throughout the state.
You need to be aware of this!
If you need more guidance or you want to talk about whether or not your local ordinances will be upheld.
Give us a call!
Talk to us here at the Michigan Cannabis Lawyers. Give us a call at the office at 517-512-8364 and we can talk!

Josh Covert is the Michigan Cannabis Defender. Check out his bio here: