License a Cannabis Brand or Recipe Michigan Cannabis Lawyers

Get Cannabis Brand Licensing in Michigan

The Michigan Bureau of Marijuana Regulation (BMR) says yes, cannabis brand licensing is legal in Michigan

On March 21, 2019, the Bureau of Marijuana Regulation (BMR) released an advisory bulletin. This bulletin states that a cannabis brand or recipe can be licensed to a licensed facility. If you have an existing brand and want to get into the legal market, this may be a way to get there without having to obtain a full MMFLA license for yourself.

Likewise, if you have questions regarding either licensing a brand or obtaining an established brand call the Michigan Cannabis Lawyers at 517-512-8364.

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smoking marijuana impair ability to drive

Does smoking marijuana impair your ability to drive?

The Michigan Impaired Driving Safety Commission was created and given the task of conducting research in order to recommend a scientifically supported threshold of 9-THC. This threshold, much like the .08 blood alcohol level threshold, would indicate to Michigan police whether or not a cannabis user is considered impaired while driving.

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Medical Marijuana Licensing Board abolished

Michigan Governor Moves to Abolish Medical Marijuana Licensing Board

Medical Marijuana Licensing Board Abolished

Today, March 1, 2019, Gov. Gretchen Whitmer issued an order effectively abolishing the Medical Marijuana Licensing Board.

The Marijuana Regulatory Agency will take its place and oversee the regulation of both medical and recreational marijuana licensing. Gov. Whitmer was quoted saying, “All elements of this Agency have been designed to serve and better protect Michigan residents, and I’m eager to have a unified effort across state departments to make sure this process runs effectively and efficiently.”

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