What You Need to Know About a Micro Grow License
What is a Micro Grow License?
If you are reading this you probably know Michigan is a legal marijuana state and you might be interested in how to get a micro grow license. You see, when marijuana licenses in Michigan became available, our Attorney Josh Covert coined the term “micro grow” for the Michigan Class A growing licenses.
Compared to the other growing licenses, this is the smallest of the classes of grows that allows up to 500 plants (medical) or 100 (recreational) to be produced at one time.
Not to be confused with a Michigan Microbusiness, a Michigan Micro Grower License can sell into the statewide METRC system. A microbusiness must be contained and only sell to end consumers at their establishment, while a Michigan Class A growing license can sell to other licensed facilities.
See Also: Free Michigan Marijuana Microbusiness License Information