Michigan marijuana Processing License www.micannabislaywer.com

If you are looking to get a Michigan Marijuana Processing License you should first hire a lawyer. Here at the Michigan Cannabis Lawyers, we are ready and willing to help you get through the process of obtaining a legal cannabis license in Michigan. Call us today 517-512-8364

CRA Guidance for Tinctures

Tinctures are not defined in either the Medical Marihuana Facility Facilities Licensing Act (MMFLA) or the Michigan Regulation and Taxation of Marihuana Act (MRTMA). When a term is not specifically defined in statute, the Cannabis Regulatory Agency (CRA) uses the plain meaning of the term as defined in the dictionary. As a result, CRA policy has been that a product labeled as being a tincture must contain alcohol.

The CRA recently reviewed products produced and sold by several licensees that are labeled and sold as tinctures. The products appeared to be non-compliant because they were labeled as a tincture but contained no alcohol and exceeded the allowable THC limit of 100 mg per container in the adult-use market.

The CRA has been notifying licensees that the sale of these products is a violation. In response, many licensees have expressed concern about the lack of a clarifying statutory definition, common industry practice in other states, and residual solvent compliance testing for tinctures.

To address these concerns until a long-term solution can be implemented, the CRA will allow licensees to make the necessary changes to packaging, labeling, formulations, and recipes, and take no disciplinary action against licensees regarding product that is currently available for sale or transfer for 60 days from the date of this bulletin (August 30, 2022).

For more help navigating Michigan’s cannabis laws and rules, be sure to reach out to Michigan Cannabis Lawyers at (517) 512-8364.

Michigan Marijuana Regulatory Agency Creates Rules for Marijuana-Infused Beverages

The MRA just announced a process for licensed processors to obtain approval for marijuana-infused beverages.  The Technical Bulletin dated January 4, 2021 requires any licensed processor who is interested in creating a marihuana-infused beverage to submit a request to the MRA.  The request includes a number of documents such as confirmation that the processing facility is currently in the process of receiving Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) certification and a complete Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points (HACCP) plan. The marijuana-infused beverage must be self stable and will be required to maintain potency over a three month period.  There also must be a research and development plan submitted to prove the shelf stability of the marijuana-infused beverages.

It will be interesting to see how marijuana processors figure out the potency issue known as THC leeching.   THC has been difficult for many processors to properly dose beverages because of the solubility of THC and the ability to absorb into many material such as the lining in aluminum cans.  The products will also be tested for sedimentation to ensure homogeneity.   This is also difficult with THC as it will often separate over time from the beverage.  It is exciting to see that soon Michigan cannabis consumers can enjoy marijuana-infused beverages.   It will be interesting to see which current beverage producers will be moving forward in the new marijuana-infused beverage industry.  It is expected that their experience with beverage manufacturing and GMP plans will give make them valued partners.  If you have any questions about the marijuana-infused beverage approval process call the Michigan Cannabis Lawyers at 517-512-8364.


recreational marijuana commercial kitchen www.micannabislawyer.com

How Do You Get a Medical Michigan Marijuana Processing License? 

Medical Michigan Marijuana Processing License

There are many things you must do in order to get a medical Michigan Marijuana processing license.


Talk to a Michigan Cannabis Lawyer today to find out what it all entails.



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License a Cannabis Brand or Recipe Michigan Cannabis Lawyers www.micannabislawyer.com

Get Cannabis Brand Licensing in Michigan

The Michigan Bureau of Marijuana Regulation (BMR) says yes, cannabis brand licensing is legal in Michigan

On March 21, 2019, the Bureau of Marijuana Regulation (BMR) released an advisory bulletin. This bulletin states that a cannabis brand or recipe can be licensed to a licensed facility. If you have an existing brand and want to get into the legal market, this may be a way to get there without having to obtain a full MMFLA license for yourself.

Likewise, if you have questions regarding either licensing a brand or obtaining an established brand call the Michigan Cannabis Lawyers at 517-512-8364.

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Michigan MMFLA License www.micannabislawyers.com

Changes to Michigan MMFLA License May Affect Recreational Applicants

Michigan MMFLA License Changes

Since recreational marijuana use is legalized, those in the office are attempting to amend the newly passed initiative as well as the existing medical marijuana laws.

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MMFLA Attorneys Say You Can Apply for a Marijuana License with a Felony

Our Michigan cannabis MMFLA Attorneys say you can apply for a marijuana license with a felony.

Did you know: Michigan allows for individuals with marijuana-related felonies the opportunity to apply for licenses to operate a marijuana facility? Our MMFLA Attorneys are here to help you understand.

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