State of Michigan Orders Hundreds of Medical Marihuana Provisioning Centers to Close Their Doors

Michigan has approximately 277,000 medical marihuana patients. Those individuals may find themselves having to travel a greater distance to purchase marihuana after Michigan issued cease and desist letters to over 200 medical marihuana provisioning centers, many of them located in Wayne County.

LARA, the Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs, determined that there were a lot of provisioning centers that were continuing to operate despite not having filed an application. Right now, businesses operating as medical marihuana dispensaries would fall under the framework of the Medical Marihuana Facilities and Licensing Act (MMFLA). Under the Emergency Rules that currently govern these operations, specifically Rule 19(4), which states that “an applicant for a state operating license may temporarily operate a proposed marihuana facility that would otherwise require a state operating license if the applicant meets certain requirements, including the submission of at least a prequalification application for a state operating license. . .no later than February 15, 2018.”

Even with these ordered closures, there are still provisioning centers that remain with open doors and the hope that they are granted a license to operate in the evolving landscape of Michigan’s medical marihuana industry.

For the guys that provide guidance and expert counsel to navigate Michigan’s regulatory framework in the medical marihuana industry, contact the Michigan Cannabis Lawyers at 517-512-8364.


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